Farm Bridges
Unibridge® has always listened to their clients and customers needs
and consistently solved ever evolving problems with a level of
professionalism and pre-engineered excellence unmatched in the
bridging community. The Farm Bridge by Unibridge® is another example
of this market responsiveness that has been the trademark of
Unibridge® throughout the years. The Farm Bridge is designed to carry
loads up to 20 tonnes and transports to site in a single 40 foot container.
A patented wooden deck system ensures that livestock farmers will have
no unforeseen problems with livestock crossing their bridge as well as
reducing the overall cost of the Farm Bridge.
The Farm Bridge is designed to be
unpacked, assembled and put in
place with equipment normally
found on most farms across
Australia in less then a day. The
same modular technology that is a
hallmark of Unibridge® is found in
the Farm Bridge making it easy to
install without the need, or expense,
of enlisting engineering firms and
construction crews to do the job.