Product Info
Unibridge® is a pre-designed and prefabricated modular steel bridge
system. It is a simple, robust and durable structure suitable for use in emergency
situations and as a permanent bridge.
Single lane or multi-lane bridges can be built, either as single spans up to 45m
or multi-span bridges >45m. For single spans > 45m the PIMM® - Alphabridge® can be specified.
Unibridge® is constructed from prefabricated girders either 11.4m
or 6m length. They are pinned end to end and connected transversely with spacers
which allows for the installation of a steel deck with anti-skid coating or a concrete
deck in-situ. The prefabricated girders are provided in three different heights
(1m, 1.25m and 1.6m) and the span of the bridge dictates which girder to use:
Bridge Length
Span Between Bearings
Depth of Box Girder
Multi-span bridges can be built to achieve bridge lengths >45.6m. As with single
span bridges, Unibridge® multi-span bridges can be cantilever launched
from the home bank to the far bank.
Component Information - Click to enlarge the diagrams

Unibridge®: Total modularity in length and widthA highly reduced
number of manufactured components
Comprising of a minimum number of different components the Unibridge®
can be deployed quickly to site and rapidly erected.
• All bridge connections are made with either pins or bolts and there is no
need for any specialist tools such as pneumatic or electric powered tools. All tools
are hand operated. There is no on-site welding.
• Unibridge® is routinely launched across gaps using a launching
nose and equipment without the need for temporary supports.
• Unibridge® has been designed to accommodate a range of live
loads e.g. AASHTO, Eurocode, Australian Standards, British Standards and all Unibridge®
structures are capable of carrying these loads.
• The bridge is designed for 100 year design life with a fatigue life of 1,000,000
cycles of the appropriate Eurocode vehicle.
• Unibridge® is capable of accommodating abnormal loads, both
oversized and overweight vehicles, and the structural members are underneath the
deck level with no chance of vehicle collision or damage.
• Unibridge® does not require the addition of reinforcement
members depending on the span and load configuration.
• The installation of modular steel deck system with anti-skid system or concrete
deck in-situ or concrete desk pre-cast.
• Footwalks or walkways can be specified.
• Parapets are provided which define roadway width.
New Developments:
Developed purposely for shorter spans and for remote locations the iBridge®
is suitable for maximum spans up to 30m. The iBridge® consists of
a series of beams which are bolted together in a similar way to Unibridge®
but launched in a single simple operation. Contact
us for further details.